What I Know

(about what my Grandfather didn’t know)

Artist’s creation

After the Occupy Movement, Sònia starts engaging in activism, reopening a family wound which ends with her leaving her own country. Seventy-six years before, Paco -a mysterious Great-Grandfather that nobody talks about- had fled the country after joining the anarchist movement during the Spanish Civil War.

What I Know (about what my Grandfather didn’t know) explores two generations connected by an economical, political and migration crisis. Through the use of contemporary puppetry and live-streamed projections, visual theatre will play with the silences left by the gaps in our own histories.

Banner: Sònia Gardés
Photos: Daniel Carrasco

“Gardes’ unearthing of her personal history comes at a crucial point in history.”


Script and direction: Sònia Gardés

Script and direction assistance: Marta Aran

Performance and puppeteering: Sònia Gardés

Puppets, scenography and costume: Sònia Gardés

Micro-cinema assistance: Gavin Glover

Light and music: Xavi Gardés

External views: Daniel Serridge, Freda O’Byrne, Sahand Sahevdivani, Veva Gerard, Alasdair Hunter

Thanks to: José Garnés (el Pepe), Rosa Garnés, Gavin Lashley, Encarna Barreras

With the support of

Previous shows

Teatre Principal d'Olot, Olot (2021)

Assembly Roxy, Edinburgh (2019)

 Podium Mozaiek, Amsterdam (2018)

Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh (2018)

Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA), Glasgow (2017)